package hw7sol; /** * A class for a graph of words, with two words adjacent if and only if * they are the same length and differ in exacly one letter * All words are converted to lower case before being inserted into the graph * by the add routine. * * Used in HW7 of Boston University CAS CS 112 A1, Spring 2007 * * @author Leo Reyzin * */ public class WordGraph { // Inner classes /** * A single vertex of WordGraph; can be constructed and modified * only by the WordGraph class -- public methods are accessors only * @author Leo Reyzin */ public static class Vertex { private char[] word; // the name of the vertex private VertexListNode neighbors; // linked list of neighbors private boolean visited; // used for searching the graph private Vertex predecessor; // /used for searching the graph /** * Constructs a vertex with name word, and no neighbors * @param word vertex name */ private Vertex (String word) { this.word = word.toCharArray(); // neighbors is already null } /** * Adds a single neighbor u to the list; does not check if it should be * a neighbor; does not add this as a neighbor of u * @param u neigbor to add */ private void addNeighbor(Vertex u) { neighbors = new VertexListNode (u, neighbors); } /** * Returns >0 if the name of this is alphabetically after the name of v, * < 0 if the the name of v is alphabetically after the name of this, * and 0 if the two are equal * @param v what this is compared to * @return comparison result */ public int compareTo (Vertex v) { return compareTo(v.word); } /** * Compares the name of this to secondWord, * returning >0 if the name of this is alphabetically after secondWord, * < 0 if secondWord is alphabetically after the name of this, * and 0 if the two are equal * @param secondWord * @return comparison result */ public int compareTo(char[] secondWord) { int lengthDiff = word.length - secondWord.length; int minLength; if (lengthDiff>0) minLength = secondWord.length; else minLength = word.length; for (int i=0; isecondWord[i]) return 1; } // We exited the loop, which means that so far all // the characters have been equal. Thus, // the words are equal if lengthdiff is 0, // or whichever word is longer is the greater word return lengthDiff; } /** * @return The name of the vertex */ public String toString() { return new String (word); } /** * Useful for debugging * @return A string with the name of the vertex and the neighbors */ public String printWithNeighbors () { String ret = new String(word); ret += ": "; for (VertexListNode p = neighbors; p!=null; { ret+=" " + new String(p.v.word); } return ret; } } // End of inner class Vertex /** * A simple linked list node * @author Leo Reyzin */ private static class VertexListNode { Vertex v; VertexListNode next; VertexListNode(Vertex v, VertexListNode next) { this.v = v; = next; } } // End of inner class VertexListNode /** * A linked-list-based queue of Vertices * @author Leo Reyzin */ public static class VertexQueue { private VertexListNode head = null; // when head is null, queue is empty, and tail is undefined (perhaps null, but not necessarily) // when head is not null, tail is also not null private VertexListNode tail = null; /** * Add a vertex to the queue * @param v the vertex to be added */ public void enqueue(Vertex v) { if (head != null) { = new VertexListNode (v, null); tail =; } else head = tail = new VertexListNode (v, null); } /** * Remove a vertex from the queue * @return vertex removed, or null if queue is empty */ public Vertex dequeue() { if (head == null) return null; Vertex ret = head.v; head =; return ret; } /** * @return true if the queue is empty, false otherwise */ public boolean isEmpty() { return head == null; } } // End of inner class VertexQueue /** * A linked-list-base stack of vertices * @author reyzin */ public static class VertexStack { private VertexListNode top = null; /** * Adds a vertex to the stack * @param v vertext to be pushed on */ public void push (Vertex v) { top = new VertexListNode (v, top); } /** * Remove a vertex from the stack * @return vertex removed, or null if stack is empty */ public Vertex pop () { if (top == null) return null; Vertex ret = top.v; top =; return ret; } /** * @return true if the queue is empty, false otherwise */ public boolean isEmpty() { return top == null; } } // End of inner class VertexStack // Beginning of the WordGraph class itself private Vertex [] vertices; // The array of all the graph's vertices; must be distinct lowercase names, sorted alphabetically // locations size and above are meaningless private int size = 0; // the number of vertices in the vertices array, which are in locations 0..size-1 /** * Constructs a graph that can hold at most maxSize vertices * (adding any more vertices will cause a costly reallocation) * @param maxSize maximum number of anticipated vertices; allocates an array of that size */ public WordGraph (int maxSize) { vertices = new Vertex[maxSize]; } /** * Adds a vertex to the graph, connecting it to its neighbors, and its neighbors to it * Finds the neighbors by trying all possible one-letter substitutes * addVertex calls must be on distinct vertices and in alphabetical order -- * else, addVertex will throw an UnsupportedOperationException * @param name the name of the vertex to be added; will be converted to lowercase */ public void addVertex(String name) { if (size == vertices.length) { // if the array is full (note: size should never be > vertices.length // double the size of the array, and copy it over Vertex[] newVertices = new Vertex[size==0?1:size*2]; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) newVertices[i] = vertices[i]; vertices = newVertices; } name = name.toLowerCase(); Vertex newVertex = new Vertex (name); if (size > 0 && newVertex.compareTo(vertices[size-1].word)<=0) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("add only distinct names and in alphabetical order"); vertices[size] = newVertex; int beginSearch = 0, endSearch = size; // being and end of search range for neighbors ++size; char [] namechars = name.toCharArray(); // loop through all positions for (int i = 0; i=0) { // if the vertex has been found newVertex.addNeighbor(vertices[neighbor]); vertices[neighbor].addNeighbor(newVertex); } } namechars[i] = originalChar; // fix the position, before going on to the next one } } /** * If a vertex named name exists in the the array vertices between positions begin and end (inclusive), then * returns the position where this vertex is, i.e., i such that vertices[i].word.compareTo(name) == 0 * * If such a vertex does not exist, returns -(1 + the first position in the array that is greater than name), * i.e., i such that vertices[-(i+1)].word.compareTo(name)>0, but vertices[-(i+2)].word.compareTo(name) < 0, * or, in other words -(1+insertion point of name). * * For example, if vertices contains {"b", "d", "f"}, begin is 0, and end is 2 then it will return: * 0 on input "b" * 1 on input "d" * 2 on input "f" * -1 on input "a" (because the first position in the array that is greater than "a" is 0) * -2 on input "c" * -3 on input "e" * -4 on input "g" and above * * In particular, the vertex has been found if and only if the return value is >=0, and * the vertices in locations Math.abs(return_value + 1) and above are exactly the vertices that are greater than name, * regardless of whether the vertex has been found * * This behaviour is the same as Java's Arrays.binarySearch method * * If end=0 and =0 and 0) end = mid - 1; else begin = mid+1; } return -(begin+1); } /** * Finds a vertex by name in the graph * @param name the name of the vertex * @return the vertex itself, or null if no vertex by such name is in the graph */ public Vertex find (String name) { int index = find (name.toCharArray(), 0, size-1); if (index>=0) return vertices[index]; else return null; } /** * Uses breadth-first-search to find the path with the fewest intermediate points * from vertex begin to vertex end. Returns a stack with begin on top, * followed by nodes of the path in order, followed by end, if a path exists. * Returns null if no path exists. * * @param begin the node to start at * @param end the node to end up at * @return stack of the path from begin to end, with begin on top, or null if no path */ VertexStack bfs(Vertex begin, Vertex end) { VertexQueue bfsQ = new VertexQueue(); // the queue of the vertices to examine VertexQueue visitedQ = new VertexQueue(); // the queue of the vertices whose visited flag has been set -- needed for clean-up // Start bfs at the begin node begin.visited = true; visitedQ.enqueue (begin); boolean found; if (begin == end) found = true; else { bfsQ.enqueue (begin); found = false; } while (!bfsQ.isEmpty() && !found) { // standard bfs Vertex v = bfsQ.dequeue(); // enqueue every neighbor not yet visited, and set its predecessor for (VertexListNode p = v.neighbors; p != null; p = { if (!p.v.visited) { p.v.visited = true; p.v.predecessor = v; visitedQ.enqueue(p.v); // needed for clean-up later if (p.v == end) { // check if found at the enqueue time, rather than dequeue time found = true; // this way, you will find the vertex sooner, since it won't have break; // to make it all the way through the queue } bfsQ.enqueue(p.v); } } } // Done with bfs main loop // Clean up -- unset the visited flags, to be able to do another bfs while (!visitedQ.isEmpty()) visitedQ.dequeue().visited = false; // Compute the answer if it's been found, by following predecessors if (found) { VertexStack answerPath = new VertexStack(); Vertex v = end; while (v != begin) { answerPath.push(v); v = v.predecessor; } answerPath.push(v); return answerPath; } return null; } }