import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.text.*; public class BinaryTreeNode { int node_data; // Node data stored as an int value. BinaryTreeNode leftChild = null; // Left and right chidren for this node BinaryTreeNode rightChild = null; BinaryTreeNode parent = null; // Parent node UUID nodeId = null; // we will use this to uniquely identify each node boolean rotateAlternate() { // DO NOT MODIFY LINES IN THIS METHOD TILL "START MODIFY" BELOW // The variables below are essential and correspond to the graphics // on the lab page. BinaryTreeNode leftLeftChild = null, leftRightChild = null, rightLeftChild = null, rightRightChild = null, curLeftChild = null, curRightChild = null, curParent = this.parent; if( this.leftChild != null ) { curLeftChild = this.leftChild; leftLeftChild = leftChild.leftChild; leftRightChild = leftChild.rightChild; } if( this.rightChild != null ) { curRightChild = this.rightChild; rightLeftChild = rightChild.leftChild; rightRightChild = rightChild.rightChild; } // START MODIFYING LINES IN THIS METHOD FROM HERE TILL END OF METHOD // Minimal but thoughtful changes are needed :) if( curRightChild == null ) return false; // Unsuccessful rotation this.rightChild = rightLeftChild; if( rightLeftChild != null ) rightLeftChild.parent = this; curRightChild.leftChild = this; this.parent = curRightChild; curRightChild.parent = curParent; // We use nodeId to check if the current node, i.e. "this" is a // left or right child of its parent so we can change the // parent to point to its new child. if( curParent.leftChild != null && curParent.leftChild.nodeId == this.nodeId ) //current node is left child of its parent curParent.leftChild = curRightChild; else curParent.rightChild = curRightChild; return true; // successful rotation } boolean rotate() { // THIS IS A WORKING METHOD, NOTHING TO CHANGE BinaryTreeNode leftLeftChild = null, leftRightChild = null, rightLeftChild = null, rightRightChild = null, curLeftChild = null, curRightChild = null, curParent = this.parent; if( this.leftChild != null ) { curLeftChild = this.leftChild; leftLeftChild = leftChild.leftChild; leftRightChild = leftChild.rightChild; } if( this.rightChild != null ) { curRightChild = this.rightChild; rightLeftChild = rightChild.leftChild; rightRightChild = rightChild.rightChild; } if( curLeftChild == null ) return false; // Unsuccessful rotation this.leftChild = leftRightChild; if( leftRightChild != null ) leftRightChild.parent = this; curLeftChild.rightChild = this; this.parent = curLeftChild; curLeftChild.parent = curParent; if( curParent.leftChild != null && curParent.leftChild.nodeId == this.nodeId ) //current node is left child of its parent curParent.leftChild = curLeftChild; else curParent.rightChild = curLeftChild; return true; // successful rotation } void addGraphics( Graphics g ) { treeNodes = new Vector(); preorderDisplayGraphics(g, 50, 50); } int height() { if(leftChild == null && rightChild == null ) return 0; else if (leftChild == null) return rightChild.height() + 1; else if (rightChild == null) return leftChild.height() + 1; else return Math.max(leftChild.height(), rightChild.height()) + 1; } boolean isNodeBalanced() { int leftHeight = 0, rightHeight = 0; if( leftChild != null ) leftHeight = leftChild.height() + 1; if( rightChild != null ) rightHeight = rightChild.height() + 1; return Math.abs(leftHeight - rightHeight) < 2; } int preorderDisplayGraphics(Graphics g, int x_offset, int y_offset ) { int x_jump = 70, y_jump = 50; if( nodeId == null ) // Dummy root node { leftChild.preorderDisplayGraphics(g, x_offset, y_offset ); return 0; } if( this.isNodeBalanced() ) g.setColor(Color.ORANGE); else g.setColor(Color.gray); drawNumberCircle( g, node_data, x_offset, y_offset, node_diameter ); this.node_x = x_offset + node_diameter / 2; this.node_y = y_offset + node_diameter / 2; treeNodes.add(this); int new_x = x_offset + x_jump; int new_y = y_offset; if( leftChild != null ) { drawLine(g, x_offset, y_offset, new_x, new_y, node_diameter ); new_y = y_jump + leftChild.preorderDisplayGraphics(g, new_x, new_y); } else new_y += y_jump; if( rightChild != null ) { drawLine(g, x_offset, y_offset, new_x, new_y, node_diameter ); new_y = y_jump + rightChild.preorderDisplayGraphics(g, new_x, new_y); } new_y -= y_jump; return new_y; } // Draws a circle at coordinates (node_x, node_y) with the node_value inside void drawNumberCircle(Graphics g, int node_value, int node_x, int node_y, int diameter) { g.fillOval( node_x, node_y, diameter, diameter ); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.setFont(new Font("Verdana",Font.BOLD,15)); g.drawString( ""+node_value, node_x + diameter/2 - 12, node_y + diameter/2 +5 ); } // Draws a line between node1 coordinates (node1_x, node1_y) // and node2 coordinates (node2_x, node2_y) void drawLine( Graphics g, int node1_x, int node1_y, int node2_x, int node2_y, int diameter ) { int radius = diameter / 2; int x1 = node1_x + radius; int y1 = node1_y + radius; int x2 = node2_x + radius; int y2 = node2_y + radius; double dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x1 - x2), 2)+Math.pow((y1 - y2), 2)); double alpha1 = radius / dist; double alpha2 = (dist - radius) / dist; int xn1 = (int)(alpha1 * x1 + (1 - alpha1) * x2); int yn1 = (int)(alpha1 * y1 + (1 - alpha1) * y2); int xn2 = (int)(alpha2 * x1 + (1 - alpha2) * x2); int yn2 = (int)(alpha2 * y1 + (1 - alpha2) * y2); g.drawLine(xn1, yn1, xn2, yn2); } static Random rand = new Random(222); static int node_diameter = 40; BinaryTreeNode( int height, BinaryTreeNode parent_node, int lowerRange, int upperRange ) { if( parent_node == null ) { nodeId = null; leftChild = new BinaryTreeNode( height, this, lowerRange, upperRange ); return; } nodeId = UUID.randomUUID(); this.parent = parent_node; if( upperRange == lowerRange ) node_data = lowerRange; else node_data = rand.nextInt(upperRange - lowerRange) + lowerRange; if( height > 0 && rand.nextInt(2) > 0 && node_data - lowerRange > 0 ) { leftChild = new BinaryTreeNode(height - 1, this, lowerRange, node_data - 1); } if( height > 0 && rand.nextInt(2) > 0 && upperRange - node_data > 0) { rightChild = new BinaryTreeNode(height - 1, this, node_data + 1, upperRange); } } int getData() { return node_data; } static Vector treeNodes = new Vector(); public int node_x, node_y; static BinaryTreeNode getNodeMouseClick( Point clickPoint ) { Iterator iter = treeNodes.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { BinaryTreeNode node =; if( clickPoint.distance(node.node_x, node.node_y) < node_diameter / 2 ) return node; } return null; } boolean checkNodeMouseClick(Point pt) { int diff = (int) (Math.pow( pt.x - node_x, 2 ) + Math.pow( pt.y - node_y, 2 )); return ( Math.sqrt(diff) < node_diameter / 2 ); } }